Wednesday, January 19, 2011


“But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous.” -Carrie Bradshaw

It's kind of cliche I guess, to use a quote from Sex and the City, but that show is a monumental piece of culture. Especially for women. This is my favorite quote from the entire series. I watch each episode time and time again. It has a lot of truth in it's smart writing. 

After reading this quote I think about when I love myself the most. When I'm most happy and content and confident. I think sometimes in our culture, if you love yourself you are viewed as conceited or too confident. But, if you think about when you are the most self-assured that is the area that will bring you the most happiness. And if your partner loves that about you,'s fabulous. 

Example: I'm really funny. I think I am. I'm good at telling stories and I love making people laugh. I measure my acceptance from people weather they laugh at me or not. I'm very uncomfortable when people don't laugh at me. Does that make sense? My husband doesn't really laugh at me. Sometimes he does. And when he does, I'm very happy. It brings me huge buckets of joy. That is the "me" that I love. The funny part. And when my husband taps into that, if sends my confidence to the moon. 

But, can I tell my husband to laugh at me more? Not really. I think I'm really funny when I talk like Snooky from Jersey Shore. My husband hates Jersey Shore more than anything in the world. So he never laughs at that. 

Maybe I need new material.

Girl No. 2

1 comment:

  1. I Love SATC!! So so excited when I hot the entire series for Christmas this year!

    I think its very important to be comfortable in your own skin. I used to worry what people thought of me and used to do things just because so and so would like it. Not anymore. Maybe it's the fact that I'm getting older...but I care less what others think and do what makes me happy. My hubby loves me for me and we have a blast together!

    I would laugh at a Snooki impersonation.
