Sunday, February 27, 2011

Merry Christmas

After 2 months of promises, my husband finally put the kid's Christmas present together.
Even though it took 2 months to complete this project,
I am grateful.
and maybe he'll even get lucky tonight.

Girl Number One 

Friday, February 25, 2011

The man and the Dog Food

I'm writing this up for a friend.
A story of my friend and her husband and their big yellow dog.
This story is marriage after the honeymoon ends.
Marriage after 25 years of sex, love, arguments, children.

Day one
6 p.m.
Husband: We’re out of dog food.
(She has n e v e r fed the dog)
Wife: Did he eat today?
Husband: This morning.

The questions: Did you notice this morning, the dog food was empty? Did you think of stopping on the way home from Work?

Day Two
6 p.m.
Husband: Did you get Dog Food?
(She has n e v e r bought dog food)
Wife: (Silence)
Husband gives dog some food from the fridge.
Dog is starving.

Day Three
Husband buys dog food at 9 p.m.
Dog is starving

6 weeks Later:
Husband: We’re out of dog food.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Recommended Reading

You can take a free assessment test at:

and Check out the book at:

Love Languages: Physical Touch, Acts of Service, Words of Affirmatioin, Quality Time, Gifts

From 5 Love Lanugages Blog:

You can’t create a perfect marriage, but you can have a better marriage. And, it all begins with you. Most of us think that if our spouse would change we could have a better marriage. But that’s the wrong place to start.

When I counsel couples, I often give them paper and pencil and ask them to write for me the things they dislike about their spouse. You should see the lists. Some have to request additional paper. A bit later, I ask them to list for me what they feel to be their own weaknesses. Usually, they can think of one right away, but I have seen them think and think trying to come up with number two. The message is clear. “I’m not perfect, but the real problem is with my spouse.”

Jesus had a different idea: “First, get the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see more clearly how to get the speck out of eye of your spouse.” Begin by identifying your own failures and consider praying this prayer: “Lord, where am I failing in my marriage.”. Confess your discoveries to God and then to your spouse. You now have a clear conscience and you are free to change your own behavior and become a loving spouse.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Spiritually Unequal Marriage

Week after week, many wives sit at church alone. Feeling abandoned by their spouse and forgotten by their church, they live out their faith in survival mode, guarding the spiritual flame yet never feeling free to share it. But God wants them to thrive—not just survive

Fabulous Website

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Stupid Valentines Day

Our blog is entitled....
And we didn't post a single update on Valentines Day. The one day of the year specifically dedicated to love.
Stupid Valentines Day. Stupid.

Well, my husband worked a double on Valentines Day, but we went out for dinner the night before. We had good conversation, and we held hands. It was a really nice time. Since my husband worked all of Valentines Day, I wasn't really expecting him to get me anything. We leave for vacation on Sunday, so every penny is being put toward that. So I went to bed yesteday night with no thought about the silly day. It's so stupid anyway...I woke up at 5 am to feed my daughter and there on the coffee table was a big box of chocolates and a card. 

I opened the card. And I quote:

"Baby, I love you so much!....even more than sandwiches...even after all these years. Love, A"

Tears sprang up in my eyes. My husband DOES love sandwiches. But, he loves me more. Maybe Valentines Day isn't so bad.

Girl No.2

Coming Up

This Sunday, my husband and I leave for sunny Florida. We're staying with my Grandparents who recently celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary.

While I'm down there, I am going to interview them. Just some simple questions about how their marriage has survive all of these years. I really want to know if my Grandpa left dirty socks all over the house and if he left dirty dishes in the sink when the dishwasher was empty. I'll be posting word for word their answers; hopefully, giving you, my readers, a little insight into a successful marriage. If "successful" does indeed mean longevity.

Girl No.2

Sunday, February 13, 2011


In order to qualify:

1. You must share our blog with a friend/co-worker/family member. They must follow our blog. Include the name of the person in a comment on this blog.  

2. You must respond/comment (on the next Post, "Share your Story") with the story of how/where you met your spouse, first impression, first date, first kiss.

You have until Friday, February 18th. Midnight

On Saturday, we will draw a name, from the ones who qualified, and we will send you something to use for date night. Possibly a restaurant gift card, but who knows...

Share your Story

story of how/where you met your spouse, first impression, first date, first kiss
(see GIVEAWAY post)

Girl Number One:
 My boss was going to marry this guy (business deal, she is a lesbian).
He needed to get married to stay in the country; his Work Permit had expired.
"Hey, Girl Number One, the guy I'm going to marry is sitting at the bar. You actually might like him. Go say Hi."
I did. We had our first date that night at TGI Fridays in Ann Arbor. We also had our first kiss that night. Judge all you want.
First Impression: I am actually not attracted to foreigners, but for some reason I was really attracted to this one. Obviously his good looks was the first thing I noticed. He was cocky and good-looking. And he still is.

Girl No.2
I met my spouse when we were both working in a restaurant. I was seeing someone else at the time and thought my spouse was a huge nerd. We got to know each other at work and sometimes hung when groups of us would go out. Then my current boyfriend and I broke up. My husband asked me out for coffee and I said no. I just couldn't see myself dating him at all. He wasn't my style. 
Weeks went by and we became very close friends. He met my parents (as a friend) and we went to the beach almost every day that summer. We officially went on our first date weeks later and he wined and dined me.
Our first kiss was wonderful. We went on several dates before I let him kiss me. I wanted it to be special. It was.

Article from Focus on the Family

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Spring Break

My husband is on Spring Break. Seriously. In Miami. He's been bugging me for the last 3 years. For three years, he's been saying that he feels incomplete because he's never been to Florida, had beers on the beach and flirted with girls in bikinis. He is going to be 30 this year, so if he m u s t go, I suppose this is the last year he can. Before he's too old for Spring Break. I mean, Spring Breaks ended for me when I was 22, but men are different. They need bikinis for a little longer than we do.

So I thought I wouldn't hear from him for 4 days. His last fling. "Go to the beach, stay out late, flirt, get drunk. Because after this, we'll be going to Disneyworld, apple orchards and the Zoo."

I got 5 calls after his plane landed; plus a video call so he could show me the hotel room. Then I got a call at 2:30 a.m. and a message about how much he missed me. He still has 3 more days; I hope he does a little bit of flirting. But I knew he'd miss us. He has finally become a family man. Finally.

girl number one

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Taking out the trash

Husband: Where is my little bag for travel?
Me: What do you mean? In the trash.
Husband: Where is it?
Me: I took the trash out.
Husband: You're kidding me, right?
Me: What?! It was in the trash. I didn't take it out of the trash.
Husband: Didn't you think it was weird that it was in the trash? You should have called me and asked me about it.
Me: You want me to call you at work and ask you about what's in the trash?
Husband: I just can't believe you saw it in the trash, then emptied it into the kitchen trash and then took it to the dumpster and you didn't think of calling me.
Me: What?!? Why was it in the trash anyway?
Husband: I had washed it out and was letting it dry.
Me: Over the trash?
Husband: Yes
Me: You could have put it somewhere else to dry.
Husband: There wasn't anywhere else to put it.
Me: In the whole house, the only place you could think of was over the trash.
Husband: I can't believe you threw it away. What were you thinking?
Me: Yeah, I'm not going to be able to discuss this any further, because it's insane.

End Scene
Girl Number One

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What turns you on?

New Poll
What turns you on?

When thinking of sexy cologne, think:

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Love & Respect Conference

Just thought you might be interested in a marriage conference offered up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
You can check out schedule/times/location/price at Love & Respect Conference.

Boosting Your Sex Drive

I think deep down we all want a strong sex drive. We just don't know how to get it back. I've done a little research and here's what I've found:

Some medical websites say it's an actual physical problem for women as early as their late 20s and early 30s.

There are certain foods that can increase your sex drive.

One website gives 9 Sex Drive Killers, which I found pretty interesting. 

From what most websites say, low sex drive in women is a combination of three major things: being uncreative in the bedroom, a medical problem, and/or diet/exercise.

I'm off to exercise. I'll start there. Exercise helps so many things in our life anyway. Where will you start?

girl no. 2

Sunday, February 6, 2011

In the Bedroom

Since starting this Blog, I promised myself (and my husband) I would be more open-minded and adventurous in the bedroom. Although I don’t prefer Chocolate to Sex, I do prefer Chips and Salsa. Many experts (authors of romance, marriage, sex, relationship books) suggest that if you’re not “in the mood”, you can simply have a Quickie. Hmm. I could do that. So I did, and it was great. Quick. To the point. I got back to reading within 10 minutes, and I was happy. And my husband was happy. Sure, sometimes we want the romance, but we both get what we want with a Quickie.
My husband is satisfied and I get to watch “Jersey Shore” in peace.

Girl Number One

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Secret #3

Since my Husband INSISTS we stay on a budget, sometimes when I need gas, I also grab a bag of chips, a soda and a candy bar. And a Vitamin water. Gosh, gas was expensive this time...

girl no. 1

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Rules for Marriage

So I came across this book while I was at the Library.
"The Rules of Marriage" Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider.
I'm not going to provide a link to it; it's not a GREAT book on Marriage.
There are better ones out there.

Anyway, so they have these 43 rules that are "supposed" to make your marriage work.
I'm anxious to know what constitutes people as "experts" of love and marriage.
I mean, do they just let anyone write books about marriage? Is there a test you have to take?

Some of the Rules I like:

#3 Keep up your looks
So many women let themselves go after marriage/kids. I always feel better after I put on mascara and do my hair.

#16 Don't use the D (divorce) Word
Don’t let it be an option.

#24 He can say anything about his family but you can't
I love this one.

Some rules I was unsure about:

#10 Accept that some things are none of your business
I’m not super big on secrets. Why can’t we share everything?

#31 Don't complain about the kids
The author says to complain to your mom friends, instead of to your husband. That is stupid.

#39 Don't think marriage counseling is the answer
Sometime it is, right? I'm a huge advocate for counseling. It’s good to have someone to talk to/listen.

#40 Realize that your marriage is over if he cheats even once
Once a cheater, always a cheater? That’s the big question. I realize that some men never change, but maybe some do. I'd like to think that some men are capable of change.

I've realized over the course of my research and reading, you just can't believe all of the marriage advice out there. What works for some people, doesn't work for others. I was also reading somewhere online that both of the authors are divorced. What the heck?

girl number one

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Strickly Business and Pleasure

The first couple of days of February have been rough. We had a H U G E blizzard here. Phew. Hopefully everyone got their driveways shoveled, and everyone enjoyed a couple of days snowed in.

Since we're off to a rough start, we're going to begin our very first

(insert drum roll)

G I V E A W A Y.

But we can't tell you now, maybe in a week or so...
It's going to be good.
We promise.
(hint: something to use on Date Night. and no, it's not edible underwear)

Stay Tuned...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Soul Mates

"A soulmate or soul mate is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep and natural affinity, love, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, and/or compatibility. A related concept is that of the twin flame or twin soul – which is thought to be the ultimate soulmate, the one and only other half of one's soul, for which all souls are driven to find and join."

Who is your soul mate?

 I am lucky enough to have two soul mates. Some people don't have any.
My ultimate soul mate is my sister. She has known me the longest, loved me the hardest, fought for me to the death, and makes me laugh so hard I pee my pants. We talk on the phone 10 times a day. I feel like we are telepathic sometimes. We have twin souls that are in two bodies.
My other soul mate is my best friend, Samantha. I met her when I was thirteen years-old. We fight and disagree from politics to literature. She's seen me at my absolute worst, yet is always on my side. She understands me on a very deep level. We finish each others thoughts and sentences. She always know what I'm thinking.

My husband is not my soul mate. He does not understand why I cry during 'Teen Mom' on MTV. He doesn't understand why I read Harry Potter one week and then Jane Eyre the next. He hasn't seen me at my worst and he hasn't cleaned puke out of my hair. He is my partner. My roommate. My lover. He comforts me when I'm lonely. We've only known each other for three years. I've known my sister for 25 years and Samantha for over 10 years. He has lots of catching up to do.

I think it's okay to let your husband off the hook...It's okay to let a woman be your soul mate. I've come to terms with this. I don't believe a spouse has to be your ultimate soul mate. I believe it happens, but not as often as some would like. Your soul mate can be anyone who gets you and give you that feeling of peace and unity. I think a lot of times women expect this from their they constantly are on the lookout for it and perhaps will leave their marriages trying to find it.

I have two women who are my soul mates to the end.
And one man who I will share a porch swing with when we're 90 years old. I can't wait.

girl number two

I wish I had a Shot Gun

Today was this: Everything my husband did annoyed me. It was like the sound of him chewing made me wish I could jump out of a moving vehicle.

I am not making this up.
Me: Can you go to the store and get Pull-ups?
Him: Don't we have some?
Me: I mean, I have like 5. I'm just worried we're going to get snowed in. and then we won't have any.
Him: Okay.

5 Minutes Later.
Over the Phone.
Him: What size? 3T?
Me: 2T.
Him: Won't those be too small?
Me: Well, no
Him: Should I get 3T?
Me: No, 2T. Can you get some wipes?
Him: Don't we have any?
Me: We just bought some, but we need more.
Him: So we have some?
Me: I just need more wipes.
Him: But we have some?
Me: You're right, we don't need them.
Him: Should I get butt paste?
Me: If you want to.
Him: Do we need some?
Me: Yeah, his butt is really red.
Him: So should I get some?

I wish I had a shot gun. I'm just being honest.

Girl Number One