My husband and I will be celebrating our 4th Anniversary in a couple of weeks. My husband is not big on celebrating or anything. I usually make him buy me something. I realize 4 years isn’t anything to get worked up about. I mean we've made it past the honeymoon stage. Now we're in the stage when we're too busy for sex, too broke for date night and we're having a hard time deciding between buying a house and getting divorced. Yes, that's year 4 in a nutshell.
Well here are my lows and highs from the past 4 years.
Year two, we started watching The Office. We borrowed the DVDs from a friend, and every night we’d watch until we couldn’t keep our eyes open. My husband would be too tired to get up for work in the morning. My husband doesn’t think I’m funny, and I think he’s a big dull dud, so the fact that we found something that amused us both was incredible. We laughed so hard.
The first year of marriage? Bliss. He would take a long lunch. Come home from work; we would have sex and eat lunch together. I would make everything from scratch. Cookies, bread, lasagna. Then, in the evening, I’d wait by the door for him to return from work. And we’d eat dinner together. Have sex. Talk about how much we loved each other. Ughhh. Gag. I’m glad that’s over.
When we moved across the Midwest, we had no furniture. Well we had a mattress. So we slept on that, ate on the floor and played brick breaker on our phones. So about 2 weeks after we moved, we drove 90 minutes down to IKEA and spent 8 hours getting EVERYTHING we needed for the house. Furniture to pots and pants. My husband has an opinion about the décor of the house, so the conflict and stress of picking out an entire house was almost too much for our marriage. Then after we had spent 8 hours with a newborn in IKEA, we discovered they didn’t deliver to our house. So my husband drove our stuff home in a moving truck, and then came back and got us. Wiped us out.
Driving 22-hours across country with 3 children and in-laws. We made it half-way, and my husband suggested we head home. After 2 hours of convincing him the rest of the trip wouldn’t kill us, we headed South. It was really stressful financially for my husband. The kids were having out-of-control-meltdowns everyday and the in-laws were exhausted. Perhaps a vacation after vacation?
So Celebrating 4 years of laughing, love, stress, kids, in-laws, redecorating...
Number One
Number One
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