Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I wish I had a Shot Gun

Today was this: Everything my husband did annoyed me. It was like the sound of him chewing made me wish I could jump out of a moving vehicle.

I am not making this up.
Me: Can you go to the store and get Pull-ups?
Him: Don't we have some?
Me: I mean, I have like 5. I'm just worried we're going to get snowed in. and then we won't have any.
Him: Okay.

5 Minutes Later.
Over the Phone.
Him: What size? 3T?
Me: 2T.
Him: Won't those be too small?
Me: Well, no
Him: Should I get 3T?
Me: No, 2T. Can you get some wipes?
Him: Don't we have any?
Me: We just bought some, but we need more.
Him: So we have some?
Me: I just need more wipes.
Him: But we have some?
Me: You're right, we don't need them.
Him: Should I get butt paste?
Me: If you want to.
Him: Do we need some?
Me: Yeah, his butt is really red.
Him: So should I get some?

I wish I had a shot gun. I'm just being honest.

Girl Number One


  1. Oh I have totally been in your shoes. I am just afraid to be so Honest about it, who knows who reads my blog.


  2. You are not the only one who has days like this. Sometimes I just have to leave the house for awhile. And then I cry. But usually when I get home, I feel much better and he doesn't seem so bad ;)
