Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ingredients for Marriage

My four ingredients for (a good) marriage: good sex, honesty, happiness and commitment. I know there are more ingredients, but those are the big ones, right?
Can you have a healthy marriage if you're only having bad sex?
Honesty, of course.
Commitment, of course; everyone wants love until the end. Except maybe people in Hollywood. 
What trips me up is this desire to be happy. I feel like many don't make happiness a necessity.
"Are you Happy?"
"No, but we've been together for 20 years."
Is commitment the ultimate goal? To stay together forever? Even if you're not happy? Even if you haven't had sex in 9 months?
It's "appropriate" to leave a marriage for infidelity, abuse and dishonestly.
Are you allowed to leave because you’re not happy? Is that enough?
Are you allowed to leave if you and your spouse don’t connect sexually?
I’m just confused how much good sex and happiness matter.

I feel like this is the Christian View of marriage. This is just my perspective.

This graph is Hollywood Love. If you’re not happy, why stay?

Why are we getting mixed messages? 
Does it have to be one or the other?
Can we make the ingredients even amounts?
Or does one have to be more/less?

Girl Number One

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