Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Raging Bull Part II

Girl No.2

I am a raging bull. I see dishes in the sink when the dishwasher is empty and I become the worst version of myself. 

So. This has been about two weeks since my last raging bull incident. I decided to react differently this time. I woke up this morning to my find my husband's dishes in the sink from the night before. I started to heave in big breaths of air and blow them through my nose. I clanked around in the kitchen hopefully stirring my husband who was deep in slumber so he could know how furious I was. He didn't move a muscle. I put all his dishes in the dishwasher and washed out the disgusting meatball stench that clung to the sides of the sink. Normally I would have festered about this for the two hours while I wait for him to get up. Then I would ignore him for another hour while he asks, "Baby, what's wrong?" Then I would treat him poorly for another hour until he went to work and our whole day would be a childish back and forth silent treatment.

But, being my mature self, I decided to react differently. I did fester about it for about fifteen minutes. Then I put my daughter back to sleep and calmly climbed in bed with my husband. He said, "Good morning, baby. Everything okay today?" I decided to calmly and rationally explain.

"Babe. When you eat late at night would you mind making sure you put everything you use away? I spent a lot of time cleaning yesterday and I hate waking up to a sink full of dirty dishes. It makes me really sad."

His response was.....surprising? 

"Yes, of course. I'm sorry." Really. That's what he said. No argument. No back and forth of who works harder. Just that.Then we cuddled. Hmmmm. Could this be a break through? Could calmly telling my husband what was actually wrong fix this tiny raging bull problem? Only time will tell.


  1. Wow, that's awesome! You've got a keeper, I'd say.
    My husband never cleans up anything. But I made the decision long ago to not let it bother me. It's a way that I can serve him and take care of him.
    ....sometimes it's still really irritating though.

  2. So this is the secret? I'm always a raging bull. Why do i have to keep asking over and over again? ok not asking...yelling. lol

    I'm a new follower.:) Great blog you gals have going here.
