Sunday, January 23, 2011

Romantic Comedies vs. The World

 Girl No. 2 (on a soapbox)

This is a blog about how Romantic Comedies are fighting the world and (almost) winning. I despise Romantic Comedies. The word cliche' doesn't even begin to explain the outcome of every romantic comedy out there. I loathe them with my entire being. I dislike how they are all the same. I dislike the majority of actors who play in them...and I truly feel they are making women look at their marriage/relationship and question it.

I went to see one yesterday. (With my best friend because she loves them and I love her) I'm not going to tell you the title because I don't want to ruin the "surprise" for anyone else. I left the movie on a high. I felt good about love and relationships. In the movie I witnessed amazing sex, funny dialogue, physical comedy, light hearted problems that were all cleverly solved on a beautiful California backdrop, everyone was skinny and pretty, and tan. I left the movie with a great view of love. But as the day went on I started to feel bad. Bad about my marriage that doesn't end with sex on the beach every night. I started to wonder why my husband doesn't chase me across town with a bouquet of flowers screaming that I'm his one true love.

Then a crazy thought entered my mind. Could EVERY single Romantic Comedy be wrong about love? Were they filling our brains with this nonsense that life should be a romantic comedy? I started to think about all these movies we base our relationships on....The Notebook, When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, Runaway Bride, Maid in Manhattan, Pretty Woman. These movies are fun to watch and Meg Ryan is oh so adorable, but they make me feel bad about my marriage when I'm done watching them. My husband doesn't cleverly banter like Tom Hanks in You've Got Mail. My husband doesn't order strawberries and champagne like Richard Gere. My husband certainly didn't wait for me for years while I was engaged to another man.

I know what my sister will say. We use these movies to escape. But could it be similar to the studies that prove video games make kids more violent? Could Romantic Comedies be slowly ruining marriages? Women waiting for their Jon Cusack to play music outside their window on a boom box why their "normal" husbands sit inside watching football. Well, ladies...he isn't coming. Real life is my husband sleeping right now, breathing loudly, dreaming about the Bears game today, and his bad breath creating a green smog in our bedroom. That's real life. And I have to admit....I'm happy.

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